You should start tomorrow
I would say you should start today but you may be reading this at 11:30 p.m.
You should start tomorrow if at all possible. Don’t over think it - just start.
Give it your best though. Do everything you can to get it as perfect as you possibly can but also give yourself every reason to start.
Starting is hard. We tell ourselves so many stories in our head on why we shouldn’t start. We let everyone else tell us why we shouldn’t start and these people have started nothing.
Let me help you. Whenever you start, it will not be perfect and you may not have any success but starting counts for something.
I’m writing this on the day I’m starting something that I first thought of maybe two weeks ago. I’m scared. I was telling myself stories on why I shouldn’t do it. I’m honestly trying to give myself excuses on why not to start as of this morning when I woke up at 4:30 a.m.
But I’m starting and you should too.
All I ask is that once you start - you don’t give up - and you give it everything you can to make it the best product or service or podcast or whatever it is - everyday you wake up.
What is that you’re going to start? Email me I want to know.
Thanks for reading.
Typed on my iPhone via the Squarespace app while having no electricity due to a storm.