8 things to do when feeling overwhelmed

You ever felt like someone was watching you and they weren’t.

You ever felt like someone was watching and sure enough - you look up and lock eyes with that person.

Sometimes we can feel a certain and it’s not true and sometimes it is.

Here are 5 things to do when feeling overwhelmed:

  1. Read my Bible.

  2. Pray.

  3. Exercise.

  4. Call someone who is a good listener.

  5. Evaluate your life and see how you can simplify.

  6. Remind yourself that feeling overwhelmed is natural.

  7. Get some rest.

  8. Take a walk not a exercise walk but just a walk to get away from the moment.

Life can bring those moments of feeling overwhelmed. And seriously, know you aren’t alone in this.

Truth is sometimes it’s not as bad as we feel.

You should also consider making a list of things you’re grateful for when this feeling comes.

I’m pulling for you. You’re a winner.

Thanks for reading and I wrote this on my IPhone via the Squarespace app while laying in bed.

Coffee time.

