Randomness 8 12 24

What stuff do you have laying around that you need to get rid of?

It makes me sad at times when I can’t get rid of stuff that doesn’t matter to me.

Holding on.

Less is better to me.

How do you help someone become a better leader?

How do you help someone grow as a leader?

The person has to want to grow or get better in order for you to help him or her.

Everything requires a want to.

I didn’t watch any of the Olympics. I watched some highlights on YouTube.

Photography events is the jam.

Street photography is the jam too but I live in a small town.

Hanging with teachers and staff yesterday reminded me of how special they are.

It was so good to see so many men educators and staff. We need both male and female educators.

I really appreciate living in a small town that allows me to get most places on my bike.

Technology is a game changer.

Technology is a hinderance.

I have some friends that are a game changer and a hinderance. Lol.

Hope you make someone smile today.

I headed off to read and exercise but not at the same time.

