During these crazy times build community around doing good

An early thanks for stopping by.

Community is more important now than ever. We need people around us. Supporting us. We need to be encouraging one another that everything will okay. We need to champions for one another.

Who is your THEY?

Here is what I want to talk about. One way to build your THEY, your community.

I’m often asked about team building.

So, I want to share with you director of HR, president of rotary, president of student council, pastor, etc what I was thinking about last night.

2 things:

  1. Sharing stories is powerful.

  2. Doing good for others and each other is life changing.

Here is my next 2 thoughts:

  1. Encourage doing good to your THEY, your community. Daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly good. I would go with more often than not these days.

  2. Then share the stories of good that’s happening amongst your own COMMUNITY, your they, and to those outside your community.

Sharing the story of good isn’t about bragging it’s about INSPIRATION, community building, connecting and we need it more now that ever.

Associations, cities, franchises, churches, etc could be intentionally telling the good of their members, citizens, employees, etc inside their community but also outside of it.

I believe in 3 things for sure…

  1. The power of sharing stories.

  2. Doing good for others.

  3. And community.

The sense of community that doing good can provide is amazing.

Thanks for reading good people.

I wrote this after trying to wake my son up on my IPad in the Squarespace app.


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Thanks Boutique 206 and Jameson Realty Group for sponsoring my studio space.
