You will find this at every job
We all will find this at every job we have and sometimes we can find a number of these things to where it can really impact how we work.
And sometimes to deal with this we have to deal with ourselves rather than this, these, things.
Yep, you guessed it - THINGS WE DON’T LIKE…
Our boss.
Our co-workers.
The processes.
The hours.
Our team.
Our customers.
Our office.
And typically we can’t change any of these things.
And if we went to another job we would probably find ourselves not liking a bunch of the same things or thing.
So what to do?
Regardless of where you’re at in life and no matter the things you don’t like. I would say consider two “right things” to help you Go Win in this situation.
Focus on the thing, things, you enjoy about the work you do.
See this as an opportunity to make change. Work at not seeing these things as negatives but positives. How can you impact these things for the better.
Also, focus on you doing your job like a rock star. The places that employee us hired us to do a particular job.
This is all easier said than done but it can be done.
Thanks for reading.
Wrote this on my IPad in the Squarespace app while periodically looking up to watch people walk by.