Notes from July's 5 Stories
My five stories roundtable is designed to bring five people together that don’t know each other so they can learn from each other’s story, be inspired by one another and connect with one another - which I hope grows into what I’m calling the Go Win Community. I hope real value is added from this.
Tonight, there was actually only four stories because one of the stories had something come up. It was still awesomeness though. I so can’t wait for the next one.
The people were:
- Jayson Evans, a creative. His super power is his ability to process things.
- Hannah Schmitt, an editor. Her super power is she is level headed.
- Elizabeth Isaac, an attorney. Her super power is her ability to be adaptable.
- Taylor Upchurch, a teacher. His super power is his ability to be patient.
By the way, the goal is to have a teacher at every one I host.
I wish I was a journalist and could write this in a way that I could list each person’s response but I’m not. Also, wish I would have recorded this for my podcast but I didn’t.
I asked these awesome people a number of questions and I wanted to share a couple of them with you and the responses.
I asked them who are some of the right people to be around that enrich their work and personal life?
- People with a positive attitude.
- People who encourage them.
- People who are motivated.
- People who have “side hustles.”
- People who are into something bigger than themselves.
I asked how do they go about learning to do their work better?
- Youtube
- Observation
- Podcast
- Interviewing people
- Listening
- Professional learning community
These were a couple of the questions asked and answered. I’m really not giving our time together real justice with this post but I wanted to share something.
Here are some responses from the people who attended on their experience:
- Jayson said, “the Five Stories Roundtable created a way to meet people I wouldn't normally have the chance to meet, and enabled me to learn from their stories.”
- Hannah said, “Heady's roundtable sparked new ideas and helped me apply lessons from people in different industries and backgrounds to what I do.”
- Taylor said, at Heady's 5 STORIES I liked hearing how people with different occupations have pushed past a mundane job and into new challenges; how they keep themselves motivated.
- Elizabeth said, "Heady's 5 STORIES and the inspiring community members who shared their experiences energized me to continue to get outside of myself, learn from others, and develop plans for being a better citizen and attorney. I also picked up great tips for goal tracking, and made some new friends."
I seriously can’t wait for the August one. I like to say that I #LincPeople in order to grow community.
email me at if you would be interested in being on the list of invites if you live in the okc metro area.