Why I make walking in my community my first option.

Shout out to my mom for watching my kiddos while my gorgeous wife and I ​went to our couple's group. I'm not sure what we would do without our parents. They help us in so many ways. 

Not everyone has the support we have. I'm thankful.

Let me say that not everyone has the option to walk their community in the way I do. I can walk to work, grocery store, the bank, coffee shop, library, etc. ​

I intentionally bought a home ​that will allow me the luxury to walk just about any where. If I can't walk to it in enough time, I can jump on my bike in most cases.


Here are some of my reasons:​

  1. It gives me the opportunity to wave to a bunch of people.  I love people. I wave to people I don't know, to people who don't like me, to people who love me and to people who don't even see me waving. Lol...
  2. It's great for my health. 
  3. It helps me close the circles on my Apple Watch which ties into the health part of things. 
  4. I get to stop in and say hello to the local shop owners. You can't do that if you're driving. Well you could. But.  
  5. I get to meet tourist when I walk. They're typically out walking to the different local spots. I met a family from Holland the other day while walking. 

Imagine what it would do for our community if more people were out walking. I believe it would make us more connected. It would create even more unity.

So, wave when you see me walking around town. It make me smile. 


I wrote this on my IPhone 7 Plus while sitting on the couch in my living room. Photo taken with same device.