Teacher Spotlight: Cynthia Hedge

Give us your name:

Cynthia Hedge

Which school do you teach at?


How long have you been teaching?

This is my 19th year teaching.

Where did you go to college?

I graduated from Langston University...Go LIONS!!

What's your favorite school supply?

Various colored pens and sharpies

Favorite thing about teaching?

My favorite thing about teaching is when I see a student achieve a skill that was once difficult and then their confidence and self-esteem soars!

Who was your favorite teacher? Why?

Nancy Bradley because she was a very loving and kind teacher that pushed us beyond our limits.

What's your one tip for teaching?

Wake up everyday with the goal to do your best ...even when everything around you is going crazy!

If you could change one thing about education, what would you change?

The amount of testing that takes place in today's public education.

If you didn't teach, what would you do?


One thing that makes you smile?

My hubby of almost 30 years!! AND my 2 wonderful children AND my 3 beautiful grandchildren. Yes, that's more than one thing...didn't you know that teachers are the worst at following directions. LOL