Melanie Ball


"Be patient and calm with your students at all times."



Melanie Ball

Which school do you teach at?

Guthrie Upper Elementary

How long have you been teaching?

21 years

Where did you go to college?

University of Central Oklahoma

What's your favorite school supply?

Colorful pens

Favorite thing about teaching?

Building a relationship with the kids.

Who was your favorite teacher? Why?

Mrs. Brenda Wofley-4th grade. She made me feel loved and important.

What's your one tip for teaching?

Be patient and calm with your students at all times.

If you could change one thing about education, what would you change?

The politics in education. Lawmakers need to spend time in a classroom and talk to teachers before they come up laws and requirements.

If you didn't teach, what would you do?

I would want to be a counselor for families in crisis.

One thing that makes you smile?

My family!