I'm honored that you're willing to take time out of your day to answer these questions. Thank you for investing in students. Give me as much as you can with your answers. We have current and retired teachers answering these questions so that's why they're written the way they are. 

COPY AND PASTE questions below into an email and email them to me at stories@helloheady.com. 

  1. Give us your first and last name?

  2. Where do you teach?

  3. How long have you been teaching?

  4. What grade do you teach?

  5. What is your super power to be able to rock out the work you do?

  6. What made you want to teach?

  7. What gets you up everyday to go give your all to teaching?

  8. If you could change one thing about education, what would you change?

  9. Teachers are... Finish the sentence.

  10. What is one tip you would share to be a successful teacher?

  11. What would you do if you were not teaching?

  12. The last time you cried at the end of the day teaching was because of what?

  13. Who inspires you in your work and why?

  14. How would you describe a conversation with one of your students?

  15. What is it that the world does not know about teachers?

  16. Share your biggest joy teaching as of today?

  17. One thing that makes you smile?

  18. Give me a name and school of another teacher I should interview that doesn't teach at your school.