#65 Dr. Brian Padgham
Dr. Padgham grew up in Guthrie America on a small family farm south of town where my family has had a presence since shortly after the land run. After graduating from Guthrie HS in 1998 he headed off to college for 8 years to become an Optometrist. He didn’t really have the intention to come back home, but a great opportunity arose to join the wonderful team at Guthrie Vision Source. He is now a co-owner of this practice and a proud owner of one of our lovely downtown historic buildings. Along the way he married the loveliest of human beings, Haley, and they started a family in 2005 with the arrival of their first child. God put on their hearts to foster and adopt children, and what a ride it has been. They never have a dull moment with 9 children! They are currently active with Community Church here in GuthrieAmerica. Right now he is loving spending time in the youth ministry known as Catalyst. He has the best time leading the students on Mission trips and watching God do amazing things. He is so glad to be in his home town with a whole lot of people that love doing life together.
Follow Dr. Padgham:
Website - www.visionsource-guthrie.com
Twitter - @iDrPadgham
Facebook - Brian Padgham
Instagram - drpadgham
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