Community Circles
The objective is to have 5 people answer roughly 10 questions about themselves and their community. We do this in order to #LinccPeople.
I encourage people to share their story for these 4 reasons:
I believe people learn from each other's story.
I believe people are inspired by each other's story.
I believe people connect when they begin to share their story with one another.
I believe the combination of the 3 grows community.
I like to say I #LinccPeople so that we can all WIN!
The circles last approximately 90 minutes.
Typically hosted on a Sunday evening.
Location changes based on the community the circle is being hosted in that month.
If you register to attend one, I will add you to a list. I will reach out to you on an open date. If you can't attend that date, I will leave you on the list.
I'm excited for you! I believe that it will be the "small community" that leads to the bigger healthier community.
Here are some responses from the people who have participated in a Go Win Circle:
Jayson said, “the go win circle created a way to meet people I wouldn't normally have the chance to meet, and enabled me to learn from their stories.”
Hannah said, “Heady's go win circle sparked new ideas and helped me apply lessons from people in different industries and backgrounds to what I do.”
Taylor said, at Heady's gwc I liked hearing how people with different occupations have pushed past a mundane job and into new challenges; how they keep themselves motivated.
Elizabeth said, "Heady's go win circle and the inspiring community members who shared their experiences energized me to continue to get outside of myself, learn from others, and develop plans for being a better citizen and attorney. I also picked up great tips for goal tracking, and made some new friends."