It will not happen over night
So, don’t give up.
But, do you have these fives things to stay the course:
A plan. Your plans may change but have one. It’s your roadmap.
A mission. People who stay the course are on a mission. It’s more than just about making money.
A system to measure your progress. Having a way to measure your progress keeps you motivated and gives you an opportunity to celebrate the small wins.
People. You have to have a circle of people in your life that will keep you accountable and to help keep you own course during those hard times.
A defined win or wins. Once you have the win down on your superhero list, you can then start working toward discovering those “right things” to be consistent in to move forward.
It doesn’t happen overnight. It takes waking up everyday giving it your all.
One day you will look up and realize you have put in many miles and have achieved some success but the story will not end there.
Thank you for not giving up. You can do this.
Wrote this standing outside waiting for my dental appointment on my iPhone in the Squarespace app.