Leadership is…

Helping people to get to the wins in their life so they can live out their greatest story.

I believe these wins sometimes comes through joining in on a vision someone else has or a vision that person has of her own.

As a leader, you want to create influence so that for the greatest results.

You gain this influence based on what leadership is.

Leadership is serving others at the highest level by…

  • Giving of your time to help someone.

  • Giving away your resources to help someone.

  • Giving of your hardcore cash to help someone.

  • Giving of your talents/giftings to help someone.

Help someone in becoming the best version of themselves to gain the wins they want for their lives to live out their greatest story.

Thanks for reading.

How do you define leadership?

Now, I’m headed out for my morning walk. This was written on my iPhone via the Squarespace app.
