Should I start a weekly vlog, 5 right things to mentally navigate the current challenges, Am I an introvert


Jump on the mic solo for this episode of the Heady Coleman Podcast.

5 right things to be consistent in during these challenging times:

  1. Have a goals list to help you focus. If you want something digital and different I created SuperHeroList.Com. I’m actually starting a Facebook group and will be inviting people to be a part of this. 

    1. Keep each other encouraged. 

    2. Ask each other for help to accomplish things even after this current crisis.

    3. You can be amongst like-minded people.

    4. Share resources.

  2. Have a schedule. Map out each day. 

  3. Learn a new skill that can add value to your life. 14 day free trial with squarespace to learn to build a website.

  4. Connect with 5 people through phone calls, text or zoom.

  5. The most important thing for me is meditating on God’s Word through reading and memorizing scripture.

Bonus - Move. Do something to keep the heart beating. 

Listen on these platforms.






Thanks Boutique 206 and Jameson Realty Group for sponsoring my studio space.