5 people I like to be around


Sorry if I have written a post like this before. 😂😂😂

Sitting here waiting for my son to get done with soccer and was reflecting on my last 7 days. I was able to spend time with some really good people.

You can’t beat being around good people with great personalities.

The great people in the above pic I went to college with and they inspired me to write this post after our time together this week.

Here are 5 types of people I really enjoy being around:

  1. People who just know how to have fun.

  2. People who are passionate about something. It could be anything. They could be passionate about rocks. I just appreciate people who have been blessed to discover their passion.

  3. People who love people. It’s so inspiring and encouraging to get around people who love everybody. They don’t care who they are they’re just going to love them and it doesn’t matter the setting they’re in.

  4. People who have this genuine love for God. It’s not a thing that comes off about them like they’re perfect - actually just the opposite. They are just living life and pursuing God. These people are typically the people who do #3 really well too.

  5. I big time enjoy being around entrepreneurs. They’re the coolest folks on earth. I really like them when they’re passionate about their product and have learned to make a living around it.

Who are some people you enjoy being around?

I could have kept adding to this list. I’m a people person and connect with just about anyone. Ha.