How I define Go Win

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How do I define GO WIN? Here is the short/long answer/story:

I remember when I heard a soft whisper saying "Monday Through Sunday" after praying to God for life change.

I was tired of being a Christian only at the appropriate time and because my family were Christians. I was tired of only going to the local church on holidays and not contributing.

I wasn't sure what "Monday Through Sunday" really meant but it brought some peace over me the moment I heard it and tears.

Then I started seeing verses in the bible that I felt was defining what it meant. Scriptures like Joshua 1:8, Psalms 1:2, 1 Peter 2:2, Romans 12:2, and others.

They all seem to point to being consistent in God's Word in order to begin to live out a successful Christian life.

During this time of diving in God's Word consistently, I begin to get my calling in life. I started noticing what I was gifted at. I begin to have this real passion to see people WIN in life - a love for them like no other.

I then started encouraging people regularly by telling people every chance I got to Go Win. This could be in person, via text message, at the end of a phone conversation, on social media...

My heart was changing. I wanted to see people built up and overcoming and living out their God story.

I defined Go Win as continuing or starting those "right things" that make you successful spiritually and personal. I now also say to continue or start those "right things" that allow for you to live out your GREATEST story.

I put together a go win workshop, workbook, talk, tee-shirt, etc - all in the name of encouraging people to be consistent in the things that will take them furthest in life.

Consistent is key. That's it. It's not so much about crossing the finish line first but it's all about living a GREATER story.

Joshua 1:8 says to meditate on God's Word day and night and you will be successful and prosper.

1 Peter 2:2 says that as newborn babe desire the sincere milk of God's Word.

I'm on a mission to encourage everyone to #GoWin. I want to see YOU live out your GREATEST God story.

So, the next time I say Go Win to you you will know that I'm saying GO LIVE OUT YOUR GREATEST STORY THROUGH BEING CONSISTENT IN THE RIGHT THINGS!

5 "Right Things" and pray I do these 5 things too:

1. Be consistent in God's Word.
2. Define the WINS you believe God has for your life on paper.
3. Work to discover the things you need to be consistent in in order to live out the story God has for your life. The practical things.
4. Stay around the people that want the best for you and encourage you with God's life giving WORD and not negativity.
5. Work hard to build others up.
