GuthrieAmerica Story: Craig Nephew

My name is Craig Nephew. I was born March 9, 1977, at Oklahoma City’s Children's Hospital, now the OU Medical Center.

My family is from here. I'm the youngest of five children. I have one older brother and three older sisters. My mother is the late Patricia Nephew.

I was 6 years old in the fall of 1983. It was my first competition in anything. I was fascinated by break dancing so my oldest sister entered me into the contest and I performed in front of all downtown. There were hundreds of people in attendance. Little did I know I won the whole contest. It was the first trophy I ever won. I cherished that trophy for about six months and then my house caught on fire and I lost my trophy.

I love being able to visit family and friends at any given moment. The love displayed in my hometown is like no other. Community love is very well-represented here in Guthrie.

89ers is the grandest event here in GuthrieAmerica. It's like the town's family reunion, everybody comes home to celebrate.

I graduated Guthrie High School in 1995, best class ever. I played football for four years and basketball for one year.

I have moved multiple times; but most recently I returned home from Texas to help take care of my mother along with my siblings. She passed away on Jan. 28, 2016 due to pancreatic cancer. It was a very sad moment in my life and as well as for many in Guthrie. My mom was a second mother to many kids in town.

I work at Guthrie Job Corps as a social development advisor. My job is very rewarding. I get to help influence the lives of young people between the ages of 16-24 to help them become successful in the working world.

My very first job was a dishwasher at Stables Cafe. I worked there for about two months and then went on to work with my grandfather in his barber clipper sharpening business.

I have a large family; one brother and three sisters. I have two children, two nieces, three nephews and more than 30 first cousins. I have a host of friends who I consider as family as well.

I noticed the GuthrieAmerica shirts being worn all around Guthrie. I just loved how everyone exhibited the brand that everyone from here can be proud of.

I love the GA brand because people from Guthrie can go and live elsewhere but once they come home they see how GuthrieAmerica is being displayed locally. They can take GuthrieAmerica back with them and show others of where they're from and be proud of where they come from. I wear the brand because it represents ME. MY FAMILY. MY FRIENDS. MY TOWN AND THE COMMUNITY WE HAVE THAT WE CALL HOME. AND THAT’S GUTHRIE AMERICA.

I'm Craig L. Nephew. And I am proud to be in GuthrieAmerica.

Tees sold at Boutique 206.